Hey man! I know what you're going through. It took me about a year to finally have successful orgasm/sex with my girlfriend. It takes a lot of...
To Burnerphone I rewired despite dead dick. Kissing, touching, getting naked, and getting comfortable to my girlfriend definitely helps during...
Back again. This time, I want to take a quick note that I'm going for 90 days. Haven't had a streak passed 70+ days. My sexual drive is up and...
SOOOOOO I posted my official success story on the success section! Check it out! I'll still be using this journal as a guide for my NoFap/ No Porn...
Hello! Today marks an official success story of my reboot and rewiring process: For the first time in my life, I am able to achieve/ maintain an...
Growing Success! So since my last post I stayed away from peeking at P and Ming. And the result has been fanatastic! I had lasting sex today -...
Alright time for another update! (warning possible triggers) This could've been a success story, but I think this post is much more than that. I...
Thanks RenewedHeart! I had PIED when I first tried to have sex at age 19. It was a number of reasons why my erection didn't work: Porn, general...
Hey Yearofchange! Yes I'm doing well! I haven't posted on the forum in a while because of an up and down month in October. I relapsed 3 times on...
Hey! I was reading your forum and can really understand what you're going through. I think PMO is a result of being uncomfortable and in pain...
Alright: I'm peeking like mad. Pictures/Webcam/websites. All naked models that I used to enjoy. This is the chaser effect. I'm not necessarily...
Recovery. Rewiring. I'm continuing my journey. Had another amazing orgasm (about three) in one day with my gf. Didn't have vaginal sex, but we...
Checking in again! It's been awhile. Life has been good - ups and downs with things. I had one of the best Os with my GF yesterday; it wasn't...
What's up YOC! I'd thought I read up on our journal since you've been commenting and keeping up with mine. I really like your consistency with...
Separate names with a comma.